Saturday, September 6, 2008

Theory of Community and its effect on others' expectations

The idea of the generalized other within the sense of community was interesting because it made me realize how much all people really care about what others think of them. Sometimes, certain decisions are made only to maintain a certain image in other people's eyes or because someone else made the same choice. It makes it almost seem as if people do not make their own decisions like we always thought they did. Mead's argument said it best because he explained that those within the community do make their own choices, however, depending on what others are doing within this community, people will make their choices that are aligned with the other individuals within this community. This can be true whether it's buying a new pair of shoes, what classes to pick for the semester, or simply what movie you want to go see. We all tend to make our own choices, but sometimes they are shaped based on what everyone else is thinking, what they're expectations are of us. I found this theory particularly interesting because even though we all partake in this form of communication and decision making, I don't think we realize that we are doing it. I think that even though we make some of our decisions based on what others will think of us, or to fulfill a certain expectation, we are exercising our independent thinking by making that choice to do so. We do not have to make our decisions to maintain a certain image in other people's eyes, or based on what the latest fashions are. I think with a lot of the theories that we are learning so far, it seems like it would be common sense, but it is amazing to think that we all actually behave the way that these scientists have been watching us behave.


Auntie2-3 said...

Hey Darnisha! I agree with you. It's amazing how much we al live b certain standards that society creates for us. We are all influenced by different things, both positive and negative, and as much as we'd like to say that we have our own minds and we don't follow what the crowd is doing, we all do it. Why do we all do this? I think it's because deep down inside we all want to be accepted and we feel that by conforming to other people's ways of life that we will be accepted by them. Anyway, I really enjoyed reading your point of view. Great job! :)

CeeZee said...

It is indeed an interesting thought that all of us are making decisions based on what our perceived expectations for ourselves are. Everyone makes decisions based on everyone. I agree with you that when one realizes how circular all this can be, it may seem as if we really aren't making our "own" decisions.

I didn't realize I was doing it to the degree that the book describes. I thought that I may in certain situations, but in truth its all situations.